Every Monday evening, women of all ages gather for an energetic and inspirational Bible Learning Community. A Bible learning community is different than a traditional Bible Study in that it is very interactive, and you learn together how to read and study God’s Word effectively. You will also be encouraged to put what you are learning into practice. The group is currently going through a series called Faith Over Fear, discovering how to stand firm in our faith in the face of any difficulty.
If you want more information, please email office@cape4christ.com

Women’s One Day
Heather Smith will be sharing three messages on God’s Unfailing Love, the theme verse being Psalm 143:8. Heather, who has been a national and district speaker for many years, holds an M.A. in Biblical Counseling from Trinity Seminary. Here is a little of how Heather describes her focus, “I believe God has allowed me to experience a wide range of events and circumstances that are impactful to women in all ages and stages when I have the privilege to speak. I love when God uses my story for His glory. And yet, while I always share relevant parts of my story at events, the bulk of the time is given to sharing God’s Story in Scripture. “
In addition to powerful messages from God’s Word, there will be live worship by the women of Movement Church, multiple times of responding in prayer, a delicious lunch with dessert, and some fun, prize giveaways!
MOMCo is available to all Mom’s in the community and is a partnership with several other churches in Cape Coral and is hosted by Cape Alliance Church. It offers moms a place to build community and find encouragement and tips for the challenging task of parenting. The group meets on the second and fourth Thursday’s of each month during the school year. The also have play dates and Mom’s Nights Out throughout the year. Safe and secure childcare is provided during meetings.
For costs and more information e-mail; MOPS@Cape4Christ.com.